[C++-sig] Embedding Python, threading and scalability

Qiu, Wenning Wenning_Qiu at csgsystems.com
Fri Jun 27 18:10:28 CEST 2003

I am researching issues related to emdedding Python in C++ for a project. 

My project will be running on an SMP box and requires scalability. However, my test shows that Python threading has very poor performance in terms of  scaling. In fact it doesn't scale at all. 

I wrote a simple test program to complete given number of iterations of a simple loop. The total number of iterations can be divided evenly among a number of threads. My test shows that as the number of threads grows, the CPU usage grows and the response time gets longer. For example, to complete the same amount of work, one thread takes 10 seconds, 2 threads take 20 seconds and 3 threads take 30 seconds.

The fundamental reason for lacking scalability is that Python uses a global interpreter lock for thread safety. That global lock must be held by a thread before it can safely access Python objects. 

I thought I might be able to make embedded Python scalable by embedding multiple interpreters and have them run independently in different threads. However "Python/C API Reference Manual" chapter 8 says that "The global interpreter lock is also shared by all threads, regardless of to which interpreter they belong". Therefore with current implementation, even multiple interpreters do not provide scalability.

Has anyone on this list run into the same problem that I have, or does anyone know of any plan of totally insulating multiple embedded Python interpreters?  

I've attached my test script to this message. I am using Python 2.2.3. <<mytest.py>> 
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