[C++-sig] static const object access?

Gavin Doughtie gdoughtie at anim.dreamworks.com
Tue Jun 10 02:28:08 CEST 2003

let's say I have a class:

class A
// implementation of a special "Null" object

and another

class B
	static const A;
	static const A& getNullA() const {
		return A;

In python, I'd like B.getNullA() to always return the same python 
object, which in turn is initially populated by the C++ getNullA() call.

I was trying to use "return_internal_reference" for the getNullA() 
method def, but in python I get a "tuple index out of range" error.

Enlightenment, anyone? Thanks!

Gavin Doughtie
DreamWorks SKG

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