[C++-sig] Re: Attempted a typeid of NULL pointer!

Marcelo A. Camelo camelo at esss.com.br
Mon Jun 2 16:21:59 CEST 2003

> By the way...  This is no way to report 
> such a simple bug (...) It's not much better 
> than the previous post which gave no 
> information about how to reproduce the problem.

Mea culpa: I didn't think it was a bug. I thought 
it was more like I was doing something wrong and 
that someone would quickly identify the error from 
my (admittedly vague) explanation.

I promise to do my homework next time. :-)

Sorry and thanks for the prompt fix.


Marcelo A. Camelo, M. Eng. - Project Leader
ESSS - Engineering Simulation and Scientific Software
E-mail: camelo at esss.com.br
Phone: +55-48-239-2226

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