[C++-sig] implititly_convertible<>() difficulty

Jonathan Brandmeyer jdbrandm at unity.ncsu.edu
Tue Jul 29 18:23:15 CEST 2003

I have a C++ type that I want to construct from a python tuple, and use
python tuples in it's place.  implicitly_convertible<Source, Target>()
looked like the right thing, but it is not giving me the results that I had
hoped.  A complete example of what I am trying to do follows.

This particular run was tested with GCC 3.2.2 (mingw) with Boost.Python
1.30.0 and Python 2.2.2 on WinXP.

Thanks for you help,
Jonathan Brandmeyer

--------------------- tuple_test.cpp------------------------
#include <boost/python.hpp>

class tuple_type
 double x;
 double y;
 double z;
 tuple_type( double a=0.0, double b=0.0, double c=0.0)
  : x(a), y(b), z(c) {}

 tuple_type( boost::python::tuple sequence)
  using boost::python::extract;

  int i = extract<int>( sequence.attr("__len__"));
  switch (i) {
   case 3:
    z = extract<double>( sequence[2]);
   case 2:
    y = extract<double>( sequence[1]);
    x = extract<double>( sequence[0]);

 operator+( const tuple_type& t) const
 { return tuple_type( x+t.x, y+t.y, z+t.z); }

 using namespace boost::python;

 class_<tuple_type>( "tuple_type", init<double, double, double>())
  .def( self + self)

 implicitly_convertible<tuple, tuple_type>();

------------ and this is what I want to accomplish ----------------
Python 2.2.2 (#37, Oct 14 2002, 17:02:34) [MSC 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
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>>> from tuple_test import tuple_type
>>> x = tuple_type( 0.1, 3, 4)
>>> y = (2, 3, 4)
>>> z = tuple_type(y)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
TypeError: bad argument type for built-in operation
>>> z = x+y
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
TypeError: unsupported operand types for +: 'tuple_type' and 'tuple'

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