[C++-sig] Newbie boost query

Tim Peters tim.one at comcast.net
Thu Jan 23 02:56:07 CET 2003

[David Abrahams]
> FWIW, we have a mersenne twister in Boost's "Random" library.

[Simon Frost]
> I'll give it a go; how does it compare with the C Mersenne Twister in
> Python 2.3?

Python's uses the inventors' original code, with recently improved
initialiation code, wrapped inside a Python object.  The Boost docs say
theirs was "implemented from scratch" and doesn't use the inventors'
original code.  Other than that, looks like the Python version is Pythonic
and the Boost version is C++ic:  random.random() versus a 12-argument
template class <wink>.

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