[C++-sig] Building boost.python on Mac OS X

Paul F. Kunz Paul_Kunz at SLAC.Stanford.EDU
Sun Jan 12 17:00:26 CET 2003

>>>>> On Sat, 11 Jan 2003 21:11:51 -0500, David Abrahams <dave at boost-consulting.com> said:

> I don't know what to tell you about Apple.  I think they want to fix
> the situation with dynamic linking and C++, but last I checked they
> didn't have their act together.  

   Hmmm.   When I was active on the NeXT platform over 10 years ago,
the problem was building shared libraries with any compiled language.

> The good news is that Rene has done
> most of the hard work of tuning Boost.Build to work for OSX, so
> when/if Apple has fixed something, the groundwork has already been
> laid.

   I got Qt (commerical edition) to build and run on OS X.   So maybe
there's some hope.

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