[C++-sig] passing raw pointers of interface impls

Ben Scott bscott at iastate.edu
Thu Jan 9 15:40:29 CET 2003

I have been quite happily enjoying the ease at which Boost.Python v2 has 
been allowing me to export C++ libraries to Python. Thank you Dave for 
your excellent work!

However, I've gotten stumped on the attached bit of code.  I'm 
unfortunately getting the ambiguous "bad argument type for built-in 
operation" TypeError. I've reviewed the tutorial and references 
(including the last couple months of this list) but am at a loss to 
explain why c is of the wrong type. Any ideas on the matter would be 
most helpful.

Here's the output of simple.py:
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "./simple.py", line 12, in ?
TypeError: bad argument type for built-in operation

Ben Scott
Research Assistant
VR Juggler Team
Virtual Reality Applications Center
bscott at vrac.iastate.edu
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