[C++-sig] Re: Why Python for C++ programmers

Daryl P McDaniel python at mc2research.org
Mon Jan 6 22:54:13 CET 2003


The Python / C++ relationship is not adversarial; it is complementary.  I 
think that this is a very important point to get across to a C++ audience.

One can easily prototype in Python then convert to C++.  (There are 
significant benefits to prototyping in something other than your production 
language.)  By coupling Python with application specific extension libraries, 
in C++, one can produce an application with very good performance while 
retaining the benefits (as expressed in the original messages) of Python.

For us, the greatest benefit comes when Python is embedded in our product 
(Low-level management firmware for Mainframes).  Through the facilities 
provided by Boost.Python, all "important" C++ objects are available in the 
Python environment.  This allows one to easily interract with the system, and 
the system objects, for experimentation, development, and debugging.  Where 
appropriate, portions of the final application that are not time critical can 
be written in Python.  The breadth of Python library support usually results 
in small, easily maintained, modules.

As one who has been programming in C++ daily for about 20 years, my initial 
reaction (in a seminar environment) to the phrase "C++ is hard, Python is 
easy" would be fairly negative.  C++ is harder than Python to use correctly 
and fully.  That which you know is always easier than that which you don't.

Best of luck on the articles and talks.

Daryl V. McDaniel            python at mc2research.org
Python Evangelist
MC2 Research
Portland, Oregon

On Monday 06 January 2003 09:00 am, Mike Thompson wrote:
> Message: 1
> From: "Mike Thompson" <mike.thompson at day8.com.au>
> To: <c++-sig at python.org>
> Date: Mon, 6 Jan 2003 18:00:00 +1100
> Subject: [C++-sig] Re: Why Python for C++ programmers
> Reply-To: c++-sig at python.org
> "David Abrahams" <dave at boost-consulting.com> wrote in message
> news:u8yz4qk31.fsf at boost-consulting.com...
> > Hi All,
> >
> > I'm starting work on some articles and talks about Boost.Python. Some
> > of these are primarily for a "C++ audience", and I'll have to at least
> > briefly make the case for why a C++ programmer should care about
> > Python. Some of the answers are obvious to me, but I thought I should
> > get additional feedback from a group who must have their own
> > well-thought-out reasons.
> >
> > Here are some things I've thought of.
> >
> > In broad strokes, they're complimentary because:
> >
> > * C++ is hard. Python is easy
> >
> > * C++ is fast. Python is small
> >
> > * C++ is "dangerous" (easy to crash). Python is "safe"
> >
> > * C++ is rigorous. Python is loose.
> >
> > * C++ is compiled. Python is interactive.
> >
> > * C++ has a deep and focused standard library. Python has broad
> >   libraries
> >
> > * C++ has limited introspection capability. Everything in Python is
> >   introspectable
> >
> > * C++ is supported to varying degrees on different platforms. The
> >   latest Python really does run ``everywhere''.
> I'm a bit late to this, but my 2c worth is:
> C++ is deep. Python is broad.
> C++ is complex. Python is simple.
> C++ is wonderfully fast. Python is mostly fast enough.
> C++ is hard. Python is easy.
> C++ will be portable one day. Python genuinely is already.
> C++ is impressive. Python makes me smile.
> C++'s draws great power from rigidity. Python from flexibility.
> C++ is for large. Python is for small, medium and large.
> C++ is sometimes where I finish. Python is always where I start.
> Python and C++ are to my software development as Taxis and Aircraft are to
> my
> business travel. Most times I only need a Taxi. Sometimes I need more than
> that. Even then its the combination of the two that gets me there.
> I wouldn't be without either.
> -Mike.

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