[C++-sig] Problems with exception passing

Paul F. Kunz Paul_Kunz at SLAC.Stanford.EDU
Sat Jan 4 23:25:53 CET 2003

>>>>> On Sat, 04 Jan 2003 15:46:48 -0500, David Abrahams <dave at boost-consulting.com> said:

> Hmm, that's suspicious looking.  What does this "unlock" thing do?

Probably should have shown more of the code...

void QtDisplay::createDisplay ( const std::string & type, 
				const NTuple & nt, 
				const std::vector < std::string > & bindings )
  if ( qApp ) qApp->lock ();
  DisplayController * controller = DisplayController::instance ();
  try {
    m_plotter = controller->createDisplay ( type, nt, bindings );
    if ( qApp ) qApp->unlock ();
  catch ( const FactoryException & e ) {
    if ( qApp ) qApp->unlock ();
    throw e;
  catch ( const DataRepException & e ) {
    if ( qApp ) qApp->unlock ();
    throw e;

where `aApp' is a QApplication object running in a separate thread
from Python.   `QtDisplay::createDisplay' is called by Python and will
add something to the GUI so I have to lock the application before
doing so and then unlock it when done.

>> The gdb traceback shows that the exception was not caught and
>> terminate was called.

> How can you tell the exception was not caught?

Because the terminate() function was called.

> All I can tell you is that the way that GCC identifies the type of
> exception objects across dynamic library boundaries has changed
> since 2.9x.  If the exception is originating in one dynamic
> library/executable ("link unit") and you're trying to catch it in
> another, it generally won't work with gcc 3.x unless one of the link
> units is explicitly linked to the other.  Generally, though, the
> effect is that the exception won't be caught.  All the C++ you wrap
> with Boost.Python gets enclosed in a

>    try { /**/ } /**/ catch(...) { /**/ }

> block, so there's no obvious reason for termination here.

   Hmmm.   Exception is thrown in one shared library but caught in
function shown above which is in the same library.   Then thrown again
to be caught by boost_python shared library.   


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