[C++-sig] Re: [BPL] python::interpreter proposal

Dirk Gerrits dirk at gerrits.homeip.net
Thu Jan 2 19:27:34 CET 2003

Nicodemus wrote:
> Dirk Gerrits wrote:
>> Hmm that's quite a showstopper. Perhaps a second enum parameter is 
>> needed? Something like:
>> enum code_type
>> { single_expression, single_statement, multiple_statements };
>> Not very nice IMHO so if anyone knows a way around it, please 
>> enlighten me. ;)
>> Dirk Gerrits
> I think two separate functions would be better.
> void interpreter::exec( const std::string& code, dict& globals, dict& 
> locals );
> - Executes the given code in the context of the two given dictionaries.
> object interpreter::eval( const std::string& expr, dict& globals, dict& 
> locals );
> - Evaluates the Python expression given, in the context of the two 
> dictionaries, and returns the resulting object.
> They're equivalent to the "exec" statement and to the "eval" builtin 
> function in python.

I like that. Let's hear what others think about it.

Dirk Gerrits

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