[C++-sig] overloaded member functions in boost.python

Anthony Baxter anthony at interlink.com.au
Thu Feb 6 08:45:24 CET 2003

[I initially sent this to python-list - I completely forgot about
c++-sig. Any help would be greatly appreciated...]

Does anyone have any examples using Boost::Python that are more complex
than the simple ones in the tutorial? I'm trying to wrap a large class
library (OpenH323) and I'm constantly banging my head against weird
errors that are more or less trial and error to figure out. The only 
chunks of code I can find are the bits in the "test" directory of the
distribution, and they're all a bit... artificial.

The specific case I'm trying to solve at the moment is that I have
a class (H323Connection) that defines a number of variants of a member
function MakeCall:

    H323Connection * MakeCall(
      const PString & remoteParty,  /// Remote party to call
      PString & token,              /// String to receive token for connection
      void * userData = NULL        /// user data to pass to CreateConnection

    H323Connection * MakeCall(
      const PString & remoteParty,  /// Remote party to call
      H323Transport * transport,    /// Transport to use for call.
      PString & token,              /// String to receive token for connection
      void * userData = NULL        /// user data to pass to CreateConnection

PString is the class library's own String class - I've already got 
functions working that accept them, and return them, fine (using converters).

It's really not clear to me how I'm supposed to specify which of these
methods I want to call. The BOOST_PYTHON_MEMBER_FUNCTION_OVERLOADS macro
seems to be more about the numbers of arguments, rather than choosing
from methods with different argument types.

                                       H323EndPoint::MakeCall, 2, 3);
           .def("MakeCall", &H323EndPoint::MakeCall, 
                makecall_overloads(args("remoteParty", "token")))

h323.cpp:166: no matching function for call to 
   `boost::python::class_<H323EndPoint, boost::python::detail::not_specified, 
   boost::python::detail::not_specified>::def(const char[9], <unknown type>, 

I've tried reading the reference documentation, to no avail. Is there another
source of information out there that I'm missing?

Anthony Baxter     <anthony at interlink.com.au>
It's never too late to have a happy childhood.

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