[C++-sig] error accessing attribute

Stefan Seefeld seefeld at sympatico.ca
Tue Dec 30 21:00:30 CET 2003

hi there,

I'm compiling a python frontend for some classes, exposing
a member variable (pointer to object) as a property in python.

Unfortunately, when I access that property, I get the error:

TypeError: bad argument type for built-in operation

What can cause this kind of error ? What built-in operation
is meant here ? And what would be the argument ?

I'm sorry that I can't provide a more detailed description
of the problem, unfortunately I could not yet reproduce the problem
with a simple test case.

Is there any documentation (FAQ, wiki, whatever) that discusses
often encountered error messages (which can get quite cryptic
with the combination of python runtime binding and C++ template
compile-time binding !) and their respective meaning / typical
cause ?

Thanks a lot,

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