[C++-sig] Extracting a byte array from C++ to Python array object instance

Kirsebom Nikolai nikolai.kirsebom at siemens.no
Fri Dec 19 15:21:53 CET 2003

I'm trying to define the interface/code for extracting (and setting) the
byte array of an C++ object into (from) a Python array object (type code

C++ OBJECT (fragments)
class TheBlob {
	unsigned char *GetBufferRef();
	int Length();
	PyObject *GetBlobIntoPyArray();
	int SetBlobFromPyArray(PyObject *pyArray);

Python code:
a = TheBlob.GetBlobIntoPyArray()
# a is object of type array (python built-in)

Does anyone have hints/links to where I can find info on how to define the
two methods GetBlobIntoPyArray and SetBlobFromPyArray ?


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