[C++-sig] Re: indexing_v2 status update

Raoul Gough RaoulGough at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Dec 4 11:20:34 CET 2003

David Abrahams <dave at boost-consulting.com> writes:

> Raoul Gough <RaoulGough at yahoo.co.uk> writes:
>> David Abrahams <dave at boost-consulting.com> writes:
>> [snip]
>>> I don't understand is_reorderable.  How is that different from
>>>   is_convertible<
>>>       iterator_traits<C::iterator>::iterator_category
>>>     , forward_iterator_tag
>>>   >::value
>>>   && is_non_const_lvalue_iterator<C::iterator>::value
>>>   && is_assignable<C::value_type>::value
>>> ??
>>> I realize we don't have is_assignable, but shouldn't you phrase this
>>> in terms of something fundamental like value_type assignability?  We
>>> can ask all the other questions (see
>>> boost/iterator/is_lvalue_iterator.hpp).
>> It looks like assignability is the really important test for
>> determining whether a container can be reordered (i.e. sorted or
>> reversed). However, I can't think of any way to implement an
>> is_assignable template. 
> Neither can anyone else, other than specializing for known types and
> asking the user to specialize for his own.

Well, there is already a ValueTraits concept, so I could easily add an
"is_assignable" feature to this, and specialize it for the std::pair
instances that std::map utilizes. That would probably tie up quite
well with the existing equality_comparable and less_than_comparable.

On the other hand, perhaps this does belong purely in the
ContainerTraits concept. I wonder whether assignability is always a
quality of a container (and all instances of it) or just the
particular type of value stored in a particular instance. In the case
of the STL containers, I think all template arguments are required to
be Assignable types, and some of the containers (set and map) add
const qualification somewhere in their value_type.

I've just been taking a look at the unordered_set proposal at
http://anubis.dkuug.dk/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2003/n1518.pdf and
it looks like the unordered_set::value_type is not const qualified,
which would confuse any assignability determination based on the
container's value_type directly. On the other had, the container only
provides const iterators, so I guess this means that
unordered_set<X>::iterator::value_type is "X const", and using the
iterator's value type would still work.

>> For instance, std::pair<const int, int> is not
>> assignable, yet it doesn't have top-level const qualification, and it
>> *does* have an operator= (which will produce a compile-time error if
>> used) so I don't think any has_member_function test will help. 
> Right.  But you can provide partial specializations for
> std::pair<const T, const U>, 
> std::pair<T, const U>, 
> std::pair<const T, U>.

I guess the only potential problem is weirdo cases where the value
type appears to be assignable but the container still isn't
reorderable, in which case the client code would have to provide a
custom-written ContainerTraits anyway. I'm thinking about some kind of
a dirty std::set wrapper that pretends its value_type is mutable and
uses const_cast internally. For motivation, see e.g.


or http://home.clara.net/raoulgough/map3/index.html

>> If anyone can suggest a workable is_assignable, I'll use it to
>> deduce is_reorderable, but otherwise I think I'll just stick with
>> is_mutable_ref and explicit overrides for some containers
>> (i.e. std::map)
> I *think* I still think that's an inferior solution.

It's really a question of how the client code helps the library out
when it would get the wrong answer by itself. Possible options include
specializing an is_assignable template, specializing a value_traits
template or providing an alternative ContainerTraits class (the
current method).

Raoul Gough.
export LESS='-X'

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