[C++-sig] Re: Problem: held type, std::auto_ptr, ReferenceErrors.

David Abrahams dave at boost-consulting.com
Tue Aug 26 01:16:40 CEST 2003

Prabhu Ramachandran <prabhu at aero.iitm.ernet.in> writes:

> Hi Dave,
> Thank you *very* much for the detailed and patient clarifications!

Sure; you're worth it ;-)

> If it will help other users in the future I will try and summarize
> this discussion and put it together so it can be part of the docs.  I
> personally feel that a high level "how it works - with examples" kind
> of write up would make it easier for characters like me to understand
> what is going on without having to dive into the code.  If you think
> this is a good idea, I'll try and work on something when I get the
> time.

Yes, please!  BTW, I've had several promises of such documentation
efforts but so far nobody has had the fortitude to turn my ramblings
into a real document... so you could distinguish yourself by
following through!

For example, here's something which was supposed to become real
(it's in your CVS tree).

>>>>>> "DA" == David Abrahams <dave at boost-consulting.com> writes:
>     >> >> Problem 1:
>     >>
>     DA> If you pass this through c++filt you'll see that it has a
>     DA> Python object of type (Python) B but can't match it to a C++
>     DA> function requiring a (C++) B lvalue argument.  That can only
>     DA> mean that there's no C++ B object in the Python B object.
>     DA> Given that you're holding these things by auto_ptr, which
>     DA> gives up ownership when copied, it's a strong hint that the
>     DA> object has been passed where a C++ std::auto_ptr object was
>     DA> expected, e.g. to your add_wrapper function.
>     >>
>     >> IIUC, you are saying that the object was not held correctly by
>     >> std::auto_ptr?
>     DA> What do you mean by "correctly?"
> I meant that the C++ object B_Wrapper was not being held by
> std::auto_ptr.  Sorry about the loose terminology.
>     DA> I was suggesting that it was held (correctly), and then the
>     DA> object's ownership was (correctly?) passed off to the auto_ptr
>     DA> which was used as an argument to a function.  Ownership
>     DA> passing when auto_ptrs are copied is a feature of auto_ptr, so
>     DA> in that sense it's "correct" to pass ownership.  But I can't
>     DA> say whether that's the behavior you wanted.
> Yes, I do want the object ownership to pass to the holder.
>     >> I can confirm that add_wrapper was indeed being called because
>     >> I added a print statement after that.  Boost.Python (correctly)
>     >> complains if I pass the object itself
>     DA>                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>     DA> you have to be more specific; there are lots of objects flying
>     DA> around.  The C++ object? The Python object? From C++ or from
>     DA> Python?  A code example helps.
> Well, if I did something like this:
>>>> x = h.get(0)
>>>> h.add(x)
> Boost.Python does not allow it.  Yes, I know this is a horrible thing
> to do but I just tested to see if the wrapper would accept it, it did
> not.  This is what I meant by "... I pass the object".  However it
> seems irrelevant now that you have clarified several things, I'll try
> and give you a minimal test case.
> [ PR's understanding of the ownership issues ]
>     >> h.add calls the defined add_wrapper which expects a
>     >> std::auto_ptr<B>.  Since I've declared std::auto_ptr<B_Wrapper>
>     >> to be implicitly convertible to std::auto_ptr<B>, when 'b' is
>     >> passed to the add_wrapper function, the add_wrapper gets the
>     >> pointer to the B_Wrapper, and releases b's auto_ptr that holds
>     >> B_Wrapper.  So the b object will not be useable anymore.
>     DA> Good so far.
> Great! I got atleast something right! :)
>     >> However h.get gets me the pointer that is stored in h:
>     >>
>     >>>>> x = h.get(0) x.f()
>     >> B::f
>     DA> Well, it gets you a Python 'A' object which "holds" its C++
>     DA> object with a raw pointer (i.e. no ownership).
> Yes, h::get() (i.e. the C++ code) returns a pointer to A.  IIUC, there
> is no ownership for the Python 'A' object because of the return value
> policy that I choose.  


> So if I choose return_internal _reference<1>() as the return value
> policy it ties the lifetime of the returned Python A object to the
> lifetime of the Holder, h, and if h is deleted ('del h') the
> reference to the C++ object is still 'safe' (in that it won't crash
> the interpreter) to use since its a weak reference.

Right, at least until some C++ code invalidates that pointer in some
other way.  You might look at the indexing suite stuff Joel has
checked in for ways to make this sort of thing even safer.

>     >> Which clearly appears to work confirming what I was saying
>     >> above.  However I thought that func(x) should also work, but it
>     >> does not and produced the error I showed earlier.
>     DA> It looks as though that should work, to me.  But I can't see
>     DA> the wrapping code.
> [snip]
>     DA> This is not minimal.  I want to see the C++ wrapping code.
>     DA> Believe it or not I have never even run Pyste.
> Ahh, OK.  Thanks for letting me know.  Next time I'll also attach the
> C++ code.
> As an aside, I think Nicodemus and I would be happy if you did run
> Pyste sometime. :)

Yes, so much to do; so little time.  I'm interested, but I don't see
that there would be huge benefits to the community if I did that.

> Anyway, here is hopefully a minimal test case for "Problem 1".


> $ python test_bug.py
> In add_wrapper
> Segmentation fault

Hmm, for me, in full Python debug mode with most compilers, I get

  [3821 refs]
  In add_wrapper
  In add_wrapper
  In add_wrapper
  In add_wrapper
  In add_wrapper
  In add_wrapper
  In add_wrapper
  In add_wrapper
  In add_wrapper
  In add_wrapper

Hmm, but with gcc-2.95.3, I get:

  In add_wrapper
  Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "foo.py", line 12, in ?
  AttributeError: 'wrapper_descriptor' object has no attribute 'f'
  [5464 refs]

Hmm, the latter are using Python 2.3; the former using 2.2.2.  Which
version of Python are you using?

Ouch; when I upgrade the other compilers to use Python 2.3, I get 

  AttributeError: 'WeakRef' object has no attribute 'f'

<spends a little bit of time with debugger>

Ick.  Here's the problem: the "self" pointer is dangling by the time
B_Wrapper::f is invoked.  This just reinforces my previous conclusion
that we need a more formalized way to handle these Wrapper classes,
e.g. with a common base class something like this one:

  namespace boost { namespace python {
  class VirtualDispatcher
      VirtualDispatcher(PyObject* self)
        : m_detached(false), m_self(self) {}
      ~VirtualDispatcher() { if (m_detached) Py_DECREF(m_self); }

      void detach() { Py_INCREF(m_self); m_detached = true; }
      object self() const
          return object(handle<>(borrowed(m_self)));
      bool m_detached;
      PyObject* m_self;

And then we need an adopt policy something like what Daniel Wallin
has in luabind, but which is smart enough to detach() all
VirtualDispatcher objects.

> IIUC, x is a Python object that holds a pointer to the A* inside h.
> This A* actually points to the B_Wrapper object that was created by 'b
> = B()'.  This has a valid default_f so should not func(x) work?  Also
> note that 'x.f()' works perfectly fine.  

Sure; that looks up the f attribute and calls it, while func(x) goes
through a few more layers.

> Its the func(x) that seems to fail.

>     DA> struct Foo_Wrapper : Foo {
>     DA>    Foo_Wrapper(PyObject* self)
>     DA>      : m_self(self) {}
>     DA>    Foo* f() {
>     DA>        object self(handle<>(borrowed(m_self)));
>     DA>        return extract<Foo*>(self.attr("f")());
>     DA>    } 
>     DA>    PyObject* m_self;
>     DA> };
> Yes, that is possible but I'm using Pyste.  Maybe we need another hook
> to insert code there?  

I guess that's up to Nicodemus.

> Is there an easier way that Boost.Python could handle this better?

Easier for you; harder for me.  I don't have time to solve these
problems quickly at a deep level in Boost.Python, at least, not for
free ;-)

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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