[C++-sig] Bug: Pyste and pure virtual functions.

Prabhu Ramachandran prabhu at aero.iitm.ernet.in
Sat Aug 16 21:27:46 CEST 2003

>>>>> "N" == nicodemus  <nicodemus at globalite.com.br> writes:

    N> I tried this approach too, but then it doesn't link: it
    N> complains about the abstract function being referenced inside
    N> the default_() method and is unable to resolve find it (I'm
    N> using Intel 6 on Windows). 8/ Anyone got other ideas?
    >> Huh?  How is that possible?  Did you use my patch?  I
    >> specifically chose to use method.name and not method.FullName()
    >> since method.name would resolve to the wrapped function.  Here
    >> is an example: <snip>

    N> Oh, sorry about that! I thought you wanted to call the abstract
    N> method, so I "fixed" your patch! ;) Your patch works perfectly,
    N> really sorry about that! 8) Thanks once again Prabhu! It is in
    N> CVS now.

No problem. :)  Thanks for checking it in!

Any ideas on the user defined code support I was talking about



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