[C++-sig] Python 2.3

abeyer at uni-osnabrueck.de abeyer at uni-osnabrueck.de
Mon Aug 4 18:18:52 CEST 2003

I am trying to use Boost.Python 1.30.0 with Python 2.3 under Windows XP.
I have successfully built the Boost.Python lib with MinGW for Python
2.2.3, but I failed for 2.3. Of course, I have set the PYTHON_ROOT and
PYTHON_VERSION variables for the new version.
Has anyone else encountered problems when compiling Boost.Python for
Python 2.3?

Here are the details (using Bjam 3.1.4):

g++  -c -Wall -ftemplate-depth-100  -DBOOST_PYTHON_DYNAMIC_LIB
o-inline   -I"..\..\..\libs\python\build"  -isystem "C:\boost_1_30_0"
-isystem "C:\Python23\include"  -o

In file included from
                 from C:/boost_1_30_0/boost/python/call.hpp:14,
                 from C:/boost_1_30_0/boost/python/object_core.hpp:14,
                 from C:/boost_1_30_0/boost/python/object.hpp:9,
                 from C:/boost_1_30_0/boost/python/tuple.hpp:9,
                 from C:/boost_1_30_0/boost/python/numeric.hpp:9,
                 from ../../../libs/python/src/numeric.cpp:7:
C:/boost_1_30_0/boost/python/converter/builtin_converters.hpp:106: parse
error before `&' token
C:/boost_1_30_0/boost/python/converter/builtin_converters.hpp:106: syntax
error before `&' token
C:/boost_1_30_0/boost/python/converter/builtin_converters.hpp:106: parse
error before `const'
C:/boost_1_30_0/boost/python/converter/builtin_converters.hpp:106: syntax
error before `const'
C:/boost_1_30_0/boost/python/converter/builtin_converters.hpp:106: parse
error before `>' token

[... and so on ...]

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