[C++-sig] Ownership question.

tALSit de CoD talsit at talsit.org
Sun Apr 27 07:04:23 CEST 2003

I have a class method that takes ownership of the object passed into it, 
and I want to know, how do I let boost.python know about this and not to 
manage that object anymore?

Should i do a kludge job like make a function that return a new object, but 
telling boost.python not to manage it, then, when I add it into the method, 
it's "disappeared" from boost.python?

Original thing:

class cAnimCurveKey { /* stuff */ }

class cAnimCurve {
         void addKey (cAnimCurveKey * key); // takes ownership of the 

When i wrap that in boost.python, and i create a key and then add it to the 
animation curve:

 >>> aninCurve = cAnimCurve ()
 >>> key = cAninCurveKey ()
 >>> animCurve.addKey (key)

What happens there?? Is python the owner of the object key? I was thinking 
of this hack:
(In C++ / boost.python)

cAnimCurveKey * newAnimCurveKey () { return new cAnimCurveKey (); }

         def ("newAnimCurveKey", newAnimCurveKey, return_value_policy 
<reference_existing_object> ());

And that way, python is not in charge of that object, and in theory, every 
key that gets created, is created to be put in an AnimCurve, so it's not 
_that_ bad, is it?

OOOOORRRRRR  Is there a way to specify to boost.python that you don't want 
it to manage or track that object anymore?

Thanks folks

   tALSit de CoD  |  talsit.org

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