[C++-sig] Interface design.

tALSit de CoD talsit at talsit.org
Tue Apr 22 16:47:52 CEST 2003

At 10:27 22/04/2003 -0400, you wrote:
>tALSit de CoD <talsit at talsit.org> writes:
>Or you can actually break your extension module into separate
>extension modules.  It's a little-known and underutilized feature of
>Boost.Python that component-based development is supported.

But can you have nested modules? As in:

         BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE (kikuraCore) {
                 ... stuff ...
         BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE (kikuraNode) {
                 ... stuff ...

Or would you need something like so:

         ... stuff ...
         ... stuff ...

In this case (or both really), how would you import the modules from 
python? I'm not too sure how python looks for dynamic libs, but would you 
have to put each module in a separate dynamic library, and then call from 

import kikuraCore
import kikuraNode


For now, I'll be using the "unpreferred" approach to splitting up the 
thingy, as long as it works.


> > BTW: this stuff is great?
>Is that a question <wink>?  I guess I'd answer "yes" ;-)
> > Does anyone have a fansite for this?
>   http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/moinmoin/boost_2epython
>is the closest thing I've found.  Why don't you start an actual
> > And the peer-support on this is absolute magnificent!! Cheers and
> > keep up the incredible work!
>Thanks very much; I'm glad to hear it's working well for you.
>Dave Abrahams
>Boost Consulting
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   tALSit de CoD  |  talsit.org

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