[C++-sig] Less than transparent proxies

Dave Abrahams dave at boost-consulting.com
Tue Apr 15 17:16:56 CEST 2003

Raoul Gough wrote:

> I have a situation where I want to expose a C++ proxy class to Python,
> and have access to features of the original object *and* the proxy
> object. As a very simple example of this, boost::shared_ptr provides a
> member function unique(). However, using shared_ptr as a holder (or
> proxy) for your own type T leaves the features of the shared_ptr
> object invisible to Python, and so the unique() function is
> inaccessible.


> I've thought of various ways of trying to work the proxies into
> Python. Obviously Python doesn't have an indirection operator->(),
> which is how this is often done in C++ (i.e. client code has to know
> about the proxy object, and uses operator->() when accessing features
> of the referant). One option might be to try and set up some kind of
> IS-A relationship between the Python types (referant IS-A proxy), but
> I'm starting to think the cleanest option would be to provide a
> __cxxholder__ method so that client code can explicitly access the
> holder/proxy when necessary.
> e.g.
> obj = HeldViaProxyType()
> if obj.__cxxholder__().unique():
>     # ...

Normally proxies in Python don't give you a way to distinguish the proxy
from the target class.

> Unfortunately, I seem to have hit a serious problem right away. The
> test code (below) produces "already has a registered
> to_python_converter" at load time, when defining the shared_ptr class
> which is already registered as a holder for the referant. I guess this
> was inevitable. Any suggestions or interest in the idea?

It's interesting, but I don't think you've got the best approach here.  Why
the cumbersome extra syntax?  Why the redundant exception-handling code in
your module initialization function?  And why not just:

----8<---- code starts ----8<----

#include <iostream>
#include <ostream>
#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>

struct Hello {
  Hello () {
    std::cout << "Hello::Hello\n";

  ~Hello () {
    std::cout << "Hello::~Hello\n";

  void hello () { std::cout << "hello\n"; }

  using namespace boost::python;

      class_<Hello, boost::shared_ptr<Hello> >("Hello")
        .def ("hello", &Hello::hello)
        .def ("_unique", &boost::shared_ptr<Hello>::unique)

----8<---- example error ----8<----


Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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