[C++-sig] Wrap class without a default constructor

Min Xu minxu at sci.ccny.cuny.edu
Fri Sep 6 05:15:00 CEST 2002

It used to work to wrap a class which does define a default constructor in v2 
and it does not work any more from the current CVS version. What's right way 
now?  Thanks.

--- snip ---
    python::class_<geometry >("geometry")
	.def_init(args<const grid*>()
		  // Keep the grid alive as long as the geometry is.
		  , python::with_custodian_and_ward<1,2>())
	.def_init(args<double, double, const grid*>())
	.def_init(args<double, const grid*, geometryType>());

geometry does have a default constructor.
---snip ---

Min Xu

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