[C++-sig] boost.python coredump in debug mode..?

Bjorn Pettersen BPettersen at NAREX.com
Wed Oct 30 17:54:55 CET 2002

> From: David Abrahams [mailto:dave at boost-consulting.com] 
> "Bjorn Pettersen" <BPettersen at NAREX.com> writes:
> > I'm working through the tutorial introduction, and I'm getting a 
> > strange coredump in a debug build. I'm at the struct World example 
> > with a constructor:
> Perhaps you didn't carefully read the section on build 
> variants at http://www.boost.org/libs/python/building.html?

I got a 404 with that link, but I did read the Build Variants section at
http://www.boost.org/libs/python/doc/building.html and I must be dense
because I still can't get it to work. I included
<boost/python/detail/wrap_python.hpp> at the top of my file, defined
_DEBUG, and linked with either boost_python.lib or
boost_python_debug.lib and I'm always getting the coredump. I'm sure I'm
missing something obvious....

-- bjorn

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