[C++-sig] Creating python objects from C++

tom tom at muzzylane.com
Mon Oct 28 23:03:15 CET 2002

I'm embedding a Python interpreter in a C++ application and am trying to
use Boost.Python to connect the two.  I've got it hooked up and can
access my application from Python, and subclass C++ objects inside the
interpreter and it works perfectly!
The tricky part is that I need to drive this process from the C++ side,
instead of the Python side.  I need the ability to extend C++ objects
with Python methods, but to create and maintain those objects from C++.
I haven't seen anything in the mailing list or the docs about how to do
I've been trying to pass back the PyTypeObject* for a given class back
to C++ and create the objects using the _PyObject_New function described
in the Python documentation, but I haven't been able to pass it back to
C++.  I get 
"TypeError: No registered converter was able to extract a C++ reference
to type struct _typeobject from this Python object of type
Is there a better way to do this? Or if not, what's the best way to
write a converter to pull out the PyTypeObject information?
Tom McCormack
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