[C++-sig] splitting it into multiple pieces

greg Landrum greglandrum at mindspring.com
Wed Oct 23 01:11:08 CEST 2002

Today while trying to build my BPLv2 stuff under windows using MSVC++, I 
got this beauty of an error:
>compiler limit : internal structure overflow
>The compiler has run out of memory. Your program needs to be simplified, 
>perhaps by splitting a large source code file into smaller files.

(explanation from 

I've been thinking about splitting my project up into multiple files 
anyway; I guess this is MSVC's way of telling me that the time has 
come.  Now I just need to figure out how.

The problem is that I've got a bunch of interconnected objects:
Molecules are made up of Atoms and Bonds (and have GetAtom/Bond methods)
Atoms and Bonds each contain a pointer back to their parent Molecule (and 
have GetParent methods)

I'd like to have separate modules for Mols, Atoms and Bonds.  Can I do this 
given the interdependencies?  If so, is there a convenient example laying 
around somewhere I can look at/steal code from?


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