[C++-sig] compilation problems with mingw v2.0

sashan sashang at ihug.co.nz
Sun Oct 13 10:58:55 CEST 2002


I know this thread is old but I'm getting similar link errors when using 
MinGW 2.0. I'm using the latest from cvs (deleted the contents of the 
boost directory and did a checkout) How did you get around this?  This 
is the command line I used to initiate the build:

bjam -sTOOLS=mingw -sBUILD=release -sMINGW_ROOT_DIRECTORY=d:\mingw

I can build Boost.Python fine with MSVC6.0.



>And now I have the compilation workaround on my disk, but there are
>inexplicable errors linking to Python-22.lib: it's having no problem
>linking to functions, but data objects like PyList_Type aare choking it.
>Can you build and link a simple "C" extension module with this compiler? It
>seems like something is very wrong here!
>obj: In function `ZN5boost6python4list4callERKNS0_3api6objectE':
>c:/boost/libs/python/test/../../../libs/python/src/list.cpp:12: undefined
>reference to `_imp__PyList_Type'
>obj: In function `ZN5boost6python4list6appendERKNS0_3api6objectE':
>c:/boost/libs/python/test/../../../libs/python/src/list.cpp:29: undefined
>reference to `_imp__PyList_Type'
>obj: In function `ZN5boost6python4list6insertEiRKNS0_3api6objectE':
>c:/boost/libs/python/test/../../../libs/python/src/list.cpp:65: undefined
>reference to `_imp__PyList_Type'
>obj: In function `ZN5boost6python4list7reverseEv':
>c:/boost/libs/python/test/../../../libs/python/src/list.cpp:106: undefined
>reference to `_imp__PyList_Type'
>obj: In function `ZN5boost6python4list4sortEv':
>c:/boost/libs/python/test/../../../libs/python/src/list.cpp:119: undefined
>reference to `_imp__PyList_Type'
>obj: In function `ZN5boost6python5long_4callERKNS0_3api6objectE':
>c:/boost/libs/python/test/../../../libs/python/src/long.cpp:12: undefined
>reference to `_imp__PyLong_Type'

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