[C++-sig] seg fault on IRIX

Stefan Seefeld stefan.seefeld at orthosoft.ca
Wed Oct 9 20:03:34 CEST 2002

hi there,

While I'm still busy getting up to speed with boost.python,
I'v run into a problem. From earlier discussions as well as
from the tutorial, I concluded that I could deal with return
values in the way I try to. Attached is a file that I thought
was correct. I compiled and run it on linux without problems.

However, on IRIX with mipspro a call to Foo.getBar() generates
a segmentation fault. Here are the essential lines from the
python wrapper (as seen in the attachment):

Bar *Foo_GetBar(Foo &foo)
    return foo.getBar();


python::class_<Foo, boost::noncopyable> foo("Foo", python::no_init);
foo.def("getBar", Foo_GetBar, python::return_internal_reference<>());

What is the problem ?

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