[C++-sig] Just about to release

Rene Rivera grafik666 at redshift-software.com
Wed Oct 9 17:37:58 CEST 2002

[2002-10-09] David Abrahams wrote:

>Hi Everyone,
>The main trunk of Boost.Python is basically ready for release,
>including documentation and tutorial material. I am just going to move
>the latest tweaks over to the RC_1_29_0 branch and run a few tests. If
>you have any burning comments about the current state of the CVS, now
>would be a good time to make them. In particular, take a look at the
>documentation and the tutorial.

Did you incorporate the changes to the build to solve the naming problems?

-- grafik - Don't Assume Anything
-- rrivera at acm.org - grafik at redshift-software.com
-- 102708583 at icq - Grafik666 at AIM - Grafik at jabber.org

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