[C++-sig] newbie questions

Stefan Seefeld seefeld at sympatico.ca
Tue Oct 8 16:35:41 CEST 2002

David Abrahams wrote:

> 1. Are you trying to wrap an interface without changing it? In other
>    words, is it OK to change the definition of Foo, Bar, and BarImpl,
>    or is this wrapping job to be non-intrusive?

ideally it's non-intrusive. I'm all for cleaning it up (and it needs
some cleanup !), but that's not my (current) mandate...

> 2. What is the semantics of GetBar()? Does it just return a pointer to
>    some BarImpl, to be used as a kind of reference, or is it the
>    caller expected to delete (or otherwise manage) the pointer it gets
>    back?

in this particular case Foo remains the owner.

> 3. If the BarImpl* is just a kind of reference, which object actually
>    manages the lifetime of the BarImpl object?


I guess in all other cases I would use the factory approach we
discussed yesterday.


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