[C++-sig] compiling boost.python v2 on IRIX

Stefan Seefeld seefeld at sympatico.ca
Mon Oct 7 18:17:19 CEST 2002

Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve wrote:

> We are very actively maintaining the MIPSpro builds. As of 00:00PDT the build
> with a fresh CVS was successful (http://cci.lbl.gov/boost/). When did you check
> out your copy of the code?

just before compiling (and mailing to you) this morning.

> We are using MIPSpro versions and What are you using?

MIPSpro too, here.

And here are some more errors:

I removed the pickling module from the Jam file (hopefully it isn't
needed by any other module), and it stops at :

FileClone libs/python/build/bin-stage/libboost_python.so
Illegal option -- d
Usage: cp [-aDfirRp] [-b size] [-tP -[e size]] file1 file2
        cp [-aDfirRp] [-b size] [-tP -[e size]] file1 ... file2 dir

     cp -fdp 

Then I started on my own code, adding a Makefile...It stopped because
it was looking for <cstdlib> et al. I compiled the examples using bjam,
and was lucky to get some errors, since that permitted me to see what
flags you use, i.e. I discovered by chance that you provide C++ 
compatibility headers. My transparency argument again...


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