[C++-sig] compiling boost.python v2 on IRIX

Stefan Seefeld seefeld at sympatico.ca
Mon Oct 7 17:40:48 CEST 2002

Rene Rivera wrote:

> bjam ... "-sBUILD=<architecture>mips4"

thanks !

> If you look at the *-tools.jam files the build system looks fairly
> transparent.

you are assuming that people know jam syntax, aren't you ?

> All the commands and mapping for flags are right there. But if
> you look at other *.jam files it certainly is not transparent, and it wasn't
> meant to be.

Well, with transparency I meant (among others) that it should be
easy to see that the current build uses '-mips3'. Beside, most people
are trained with 'make', so every deviation should be well documented
somewhere (jam files vs. Makefiles). But may be I just didn't look hard

In my own ('make' based) build systems I make sure all commands
are dumped to stdout (as is the default anyways) when I invoke 'make',
and something like in your build system, i.e. messages of the form
'compiling foobar.cc' if I invoke 'make -s', where I explicitely ask
the build to be less verbose.

Best regards,

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