[C++-sig] std::vector

Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve rwgk at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 3 16:10:22 CEST 2002

--- "Scott A. Smith" <ssmith at magnet.fsu.edu> wrote:
> At that time
> I remember I was confused over which version I was actually building.
> Didn't it depend upon what directory jam was invoked from or something
> like that?

Right. You have to start bjam in libs/python/test to get the V2 build.

> I'll look over the old messages to see if I can make sense out
> of things, and try to build/switch to v2. Hopefully it will be
> compatible with what I have done so far.

V2 is awesome. In comparison V1 seems like a prototype. Since V2 is so much
improved you will have to rework your Boost.Python code.

> I guess I need to
> update my Boost stuff from CVS? Then (since I only need Boost.Python at
> the moment), does it still matter what directory I start the build from?

I believe so. Unfortunately the main CVS is broken right now because of some
recent changes in the random number library. I will try the release candidate
branch to see if that works ...
> It would be great if I can get vectors, lists, etc. working smoothly.
> Your (& Dave's) help is and has been much appreciated.

I am sure the Boost.Python V2 facilities will help you achieving this goal. I
am planning to write a little summary of the choices that you have. But first
we have to get the CVS going again.


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