[C++-sig] example in lvalue_from_pytype won't compile

Mark Russell mrussell8081 at pacbell.net
Thu Nov 21 01:05:04 CET 2002

I am working with the lvalue_from_pytype example and can't get it to
compile.  My code and the errors are as follows:

#include <boost/python.hpp>

extern "C" _declspec(dllimport) PyTypeObject noddy_NoddyType;
typedef struct {
	long magicNum;
} noddy_NoddyObject;

using namespace boost::python;
static handle<> cache;

bool is_cached(noddy_NoddyObject* x)
   return x == cache.get();

void set_cache(noddy_NoddyObject* x)
   cache = handle<>(borrowed(x));

   def("is_cached", is_cached);
   def("set_cache", set_cache);

   // register Noddy lvalue converter


C:\developer\com-hacking\boost hacking\noddy cache\nc.cpp(15) : error C2446:
'==' : no conversion from 'struct _object *' to 'noddy_NoddyObject *'
        Types pointed to are unrelated; conversion requires
reinterpret_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast
C:\developer\com-hacking\boost hacking\noddy cache\nc.cpp(15) : error C2230:
'==' : indirection to different types
Error executing cl.exe.

noddy cache.dll - 2 error(s), 0 warning(s)

Apparently the converter is not getting registered but I can't see where.
Also the code in the example does not declare noddy_NoddyType -- I exported
the type from my noddy dll but am wondering if I am missing something here.
Many thanks.  --Mark

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