[C++-sig] multiple files linker error

Kerim Borchaev warkid at hotbox.ru
Wed Nov 20 11:03:34 CET 2002

Hello c++-sig,

I'm spliting to multiple files my bpl code of an extension and getting
this linker error message:

  error LNK2005: "struct swallow_assign::boost::detail::swallow_assign
  boost::tuples::`anonymous namespace'::ignore"
  (?ignore@?A0xdb06aef3 at tuples@boost@@3Uswallow_assign at detail@23 at A)
  already defined in ...

Alas I am not able to reproduce it for simpple examples.
Any ideas why could it happen?

Best regards,
 Kerim                          mailto:warkid at hotbox.ru

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