[C++-sig] Re: Re: debuging

Adam Hupp hupp at cs.wisc.edu
Wed Nov 20 04:34:34 CET 2002

On Tue, Nov 19, 2002 at 06:05:13PM -0500, David Abrahams wrote:
> >
> > What is the problem? Write the demangler? Can you explain it a
> > little, please?
> That's part of it. See:
>   http://mail.python.org/pipermail/c++-sig/2002-June/001277.html

Unless I'm missing something, with g++ >= 3.1 you can use
abi::__cxa_demangle to do this.  Attached is an example.  Docs can be
found at

-------------- next part --------------
#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <exception>
#include <cxxabi.h>

using namespace boost;
using namespace std;

ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const python::type_info& type)

  int status;

  char* demangle = abi::__cxa_demangle(type.name(),  0, 0, &status);

  if(status == 0) {
    os << demangle;
  } else if(status == -2)
    os << "Error: " << type.name() << " is not a valid name under the C++ ABI mangling rules";
  else if(status == -1)
    throw bad_alloc();

  return os;

void printType(const python::type_info& type)

  cout << type.name() << " => ";
  ::operator<<(cout, type) << endl;


void test()

  const char* b;

  vector<int> c;





  python::def("test", &test);


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