[C++-sig] Static, again...

David Abrahams dave at boost-consulting.com
Thu Nov 14 12:19:07 CET 2002

Hugo van der Merwe <hugo at adept.co.za> writes:

> On Wed, Nov 13, 2002 at 08:19:53AM -0500, David Abrahams wrote:
>> Hugo van der Merwe <hugo at adept.co.za> writes:
>> Yes, but I'll leave it as an "exercise for the reader". Properties are
>> a Python 2.2 thing, not a Boost.Python feature. Try it in pure
>> Python. If you can get that to work, you can probably get it to work
>> in Boost.Python. Hint: you'll need a proxy class.
> Ah, thanks!
> Curious: should the tutorial remain small, or can it grow indefinately
> large given enough contributions from other people?

We are definitely interested in contributions! The more tutorial
material, the better... contributions/modifications to the reference
documentation (e.g. the examples) are also appreciated.


                       David Abrahams
   dave at boost-consulting.com * http://www.boost-consulting.com
Boost support, enhancements, training, and commercial distribution

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