[C++-sig] profiling C++ extensions

Greg Landrum greglandrum at earthlink.net
Sat Mar 2 01:08:50 CET 2002

[Linux, python 2.1]
Hi All,

I'm not sure this is the appropriate forum for this question, but I figured 
I'd try here first.

I've got a Boostified C++ class that I'm using from Python.  The class 
supports pickling, but restoring things from pickles seems to be really, 
really slow.  I figured that I'd profile the code and find out where the 
time is being spent, but I ran into a wall.

I built both my extension modules and python itself with -pg.  Running a 
test case and looking at the gprof output only shows me numbers for the 
python interpreter itself.  This is none too edifying.

So, my question is: is there any way to trick the profiler into gathering 
data for the extension modules as well as the interpreter?

greg Landrum (greglandrum at earthlink.net)
Software Carpenter/Computational Chemist

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