[C++-sig] GNU gettext and "_"

Pearu Peterson pearu at cens.ioc.ee
Thu Jun 20 15:32:11 CEST 2002

On Thu, 20 Jun 2002, David Abrahams wrote:

> I'm working on slicing now and I find myself in need of a way to represent
> x[:y]. This is technically not equivalent to x[0:y] since you can slice on
> any type. "Obviously", the answer is to use
>     x.slice(_,y)
> but I suppose that's going to collide with gettext again.

"Obvious" to me would be to use the same convention as used in Python
slice object, that is,
  x[:y]   would be x.slice(None,y)
  x[:y:]  would be x.slice(None,y,None)

> I suppose we could check "#if defined(_)" and supply some other symbol for
> those people who need gettext compatibility. 

-1. It would mean that there will be two groups of BPL users who cannot
use each other codes, very roughly speaking.


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