[C++-sig] Error in BPL v2 build using KCC on tru64

David Abrahams david.abrahams at rcn.com
Tue Jun 18 01:33:55 CEST 2002

From: "Joe Koning" <koning at pobox.com>

> OK it compiles cleanly now. I thought KCC was a modern compiler :).

Only a modern KCC is a modern compiler ;-)
You're using an older version, right?

> Just out of curiosity which compiler would you recommend?

You can keep using the old KCC you're working with; my contract with
Livermore requires me to support it**, so you're safe for now. However, KCC
is going away :(, so you might consider other tools for your platform. If
you're targeting tru64, I guess that makes it tru64cxx 6.5 (one of those
annoyingly modern compilers that catches every little mistake <wink>) or
GCC 3.1.


**I had some trouble logging into their machine yesterday, which is why
those problems slipped in.

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