[C++-sig] problems with boost.python and mipspro

Stefan Seefeld stefan.seefeld at orthosoft.ca
Fri Jun 14 16:20:00 CEST 2002

hi there,

I just compiled boost.python on linux RH 7.3 (gcc 3.1)
as well as IRIX 6.5 (mipspro 7.3). All seemed to work

However, when trying to compile a little demo extension,
I got an error on IRIX as one boost header includes
<cstddef>, which doesn't seem to exist for mipspro 7.3
(it seems none of the C standard headers has been ported
to the std C++ namespace/file layout).

Since mipspro is listed as one of the tested platforms,
I'm probably missing something. ANy help would be highly
appreciated !


PS: how big are the changes between boost.python v1 and v2
     on the interface level ? Does it make sense to start
     a project now with v1 and switch to v2 later when it
     is ready ?

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