[C++-sig] Re: Boost.Python v2: reference-counting and user-friendly conversions

Dave Hawkes daveh at cadlink.com
Thu Jun 13 20:10:28 CEST 2002

"David Abrahams" <david.abrahams at rcn.com> wrote in message
news:013e01c212f9$da854940$6601a8c0 at boostconsulting.com...
> Questions:
> 1. How should we handle raw Python object arguments to
> call<>/call_method<>?
>     a. is NULL->None conversion a good idea for these particular pointers?
>        I still think it makes sense for most pointers, but maybe not
>        see
> python/doc/v2/callbacks.html
>        for a review of semantics

As this probably acceptable for the fast majority of cases then yes, but
provide the ability to pass a true NULL by passing something like a
null_object class if the user really does need to do this.

>     b. is there any reason to think that stealing semantics should be
>        introduced, so that:
>             call<void>(my_function, PyObject_GetAttrString(x, y))
>        would work correctly? Remember that we will be providing wrappers
> for
>        the Python API functions. Also remember that my_function is
> currently
>        a PyObject* which is /not/ stolen.

Which then begs the question should a raw PyObject be allowed as an argument
at all? Is it too much too insist that the user does this:

    call<void>(my_function, handle<>(PyObject_GetAttrString(x, y)))

that way we can also do:

    call<void>(my_function, handle<>(borrow(PyImport_AddModule(name))))

>     c. Is it important to be able to accept variety A and B of
>        raw Python object pointer as arguments here? Remember that we will
>        have object and handle<> whose refcount semantics are unambiguous

see above.

>     d. Is it reasonable to require a traits specialization or other action
>        from the user to explicitly denote variety B? We can neither
> generate
>        a compile-time error nor special handling if we can't detect them.

I would prefer just to rely on the type conversion provided by handle<> etc.

    PyTypeObject* p

If the handle type conversion can be verified at compile time then fine, if
it can't then we will have to rely on run-time exceptions.

> 2. How should we handle raw Python object arguments to the object()
> constructor?
>     a. is NULL->None conversion a good idea for these particular pointers?

Yes, if there is some explicit way to create a NULL if we really need one,
maybe it should be a derived class, null_object ?

>     b. is there any reason to think that stealing semantics should not be
>        used?

We will then have to live with this assumption once people are using V2 and
it will be difficult to go back. I'd rather disallow raw PyObjects.

>     c. Is it important to be able to accept variety A and B of
>        raw Python object pointer as arguments here? Remember that we will
>        have object and handle<> whose refcount semantics are unambiguous

No, get rid of the raw PyObjects, If we have an effective solution in handle
lets concentrate reference counting, type converting etc. in one place.

Dave Hawkes

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