[C++-sig] boost 1.28 on OS X

ich at peabody.jhu.edu ich at peabody.jhu.edu
Thu Jun 13 18:46:57 CEST 2002

> 3.1 isn't supported for Boost.Python v1; There are conformance bugs in the
> library which prevent it from working with more-modern compilers, which is
> one of the reasons for Boost.Python v2.
> It doesn't look like you're running into those particular problems, though
> :(

Unfortunately, we have a quite a bit of code written in V1, which works
great under linux.  Any tips on why I'm getting the errors under gcc
2.95, e.g.:

ld: warning undefined symbols:

You mention about a bug in class_builder.hpp.  Do you think this is 



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