[C++-sig] OS X

Scott A. Smith ssmith at magnet.fsu.edu
Thu Jun 13 12:34:10 CEST 2002

The same problem occurs on OS X with -isystem, I had already
just replaced this in the gcc-tools file. As for the __GNUG__
I tried to do this in gcc-tools too but that caused complaints
about it being defined twice. I know I can just set this with
-D on the command line, I guess my question was more of
where is this set for bjam? The same for isystem, how is bjam
(not)figuring out what to set this as. 

I'll be trying OS X some more when I am back at work today.


> -isystem adds a path to the #include <...> search paths.

> You could zip a boost tree with the -o output of bjam into a reproducible
> test case.

> > > BTW: Under Solaris we had problems with "-isystem". Changing this to
> > > helped (i.e. we have a complete Solaris/gcc304 build now).
> >
> > Did you ever file a GNATS bug report on this one?
> No. I do not even understand the purpose of -isystem, and I will not have
> time to find out more about this :-(

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