[C++-sig] Constructor w/ string

Scott A. Smith ssmith at magnet.fsu.edu
Wed Jun 12 18:25:42 CEST 2002

Hi Dave,

Thanks for your time and the info.

> What "Python IDE"?

This was the Windows IDLE that comes with Python 2.2.1. The same
problem occurs in the simple Python shell.

> Your example works fine for me (at least with the current CVS state).

O.K. I obtained the latest CVS today and built it with both MSVC++ and
Cygwin (putting to use all the help you and others previously gave me).
Then I built the getting_started2 example inside MSVC++ and again, it
produces the result but when I exit Python (^D) I get the error about a
Debug Assertion Failure in dgbheap.c. In my full code the error occurs
while the interpreter is running and that stops everything.

So, I followed your build instructions using bjam... it had some problems
but essentially worked. The pyd output did NOT cause the error and
worked fine, as you said. With the -sBUILD=debug-python I get a message
LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file "python22_d.lib", so I just
used "debug" and/or "release" and things worked as you had indicated.

So, I guess I have other problems/questions/statments.

1.) I need to find out the difference between building a dll and building
    a pyd file? Why is one preferrable over the other? As I mentioned, the
    dll build of my project with Boost 1.25.0 worked just fine.
2.) What version of Boost.Python am I using? If I build it from the main
    I think I understand that I make 1.2x with x>=8, even though the CVS
    contains both? But I think Ralf told me that
    if one builds things in the Python sub-directory it uses 2.0. Can this
    trouble or should I just not worry about it? Since I am nearly back to
square 1
    at this point I have no problems just using 2.0, but I am not sure how.
3.) While I have python22.lib I don't have python22_d.lib, is that for
    If so, where can I get this or how can I build it? Apparently I will
need it.
4.) When I build my Boost.Python example with Jam it appears that it
    a.) Builds Boost.Python (e.g. when I set the BUILD variable differently)
    b.) Sets up the PYTHONPATH and PATH
    c.) Attempts to run my example?
5.) I have never actually seen the tests/examples run automatically during
    build of test. Is there supposed to be something other than compiler
    when one issues a "bjam test"?  Now that I've CVS upgraded the mpl stuff
    it seems to compile fine (is this version 2.0?) but if it is supposed to
    invoke Python and do something else I don't see it.

The Cygwin build of my example goes wild about path problems (even though
environment is set exactly as it was in the entire Boost build), but I won't
bother about it until I figure out more basics.



 Dr. Scott A. Smith
 Associate in Research
 National High Magnetic Field Laboratory
 1800 East Paul Dirac Drive
 Tallahassee, FL 32310

 phone: (850) 644-6348
 FAX:   (850) 644-1366
 email: ssmith at magnet.fsu.edu

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