[C++-sig] Docs and Testing for V2

Dave Hawkes daveh at cadlink.com
Wed Jun 12 03:53:43 CEST 2002

I've started a small project to automate testing of some boost components.
What I'm doing is expanding my embedded python example code I posted earlier
to a full working model that can also be used for testing. This way one file
can contain both the python code and c++ code to simultaneously test from
both sides of the fence.

Not only would this code be used for testing but it should be reasonably
well anotated and so also serve as a substantial example for documentation
purposes, as I believe most people learn best from example. Especially if
the code demonstrates some of the 'tougher' (less well documented)

Hopefully within the next few weeks I'll have something to post.

Initially I'm going to develop this in windows, but without relying on
windows features, making it relatively easy to port.

If anyone has any ideas for items that should be tested or documented by
example, let me know.

Dave Hawkes

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