[C++-sig] Retiring "ref", etc.

joel de guzman djowel at gmx.co.uk
Mon Jun 10 22:04:38 CEST 2002

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Abrahams" 

> >     object: cannot be null [high level interface]
> >     object_ptr: can be null [low level interface]
> The problem is that object_ptr needs to be parametrized on the type it's
> pointing at (e.g. PyObject, PyTypeObject...). object_ptr<PyObject> is
> redundant and object_ptr<PyTypeObject> is sort-of inaccurate.
> So my latest thought is that the smart pointer class is spelled "handle",
> and the one currently spelled "ref" is spelt "handle<>". I could supply
>     typedef handle<> obj_ptr;
> or
>     typedef handle<> hdl;
> or
>     typedef handle<> objptr;
> but I'm resisting: I hate unpronounceable names.

Yes. You wrote the naming guidelines ;-)

"handle" is nice! How about:

    typedef handle<PyObject> object_ptr;
    typedef handle<PyTypeObject> type_ptr;


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