[C++-sig] Re: Re: Re: sub module support in V2

Dave Hawkes daveh at cadlink.com
Mon Jun 10 06:21:57 CEST 2002

"David Abrahams" <david.abrahams at rcn.com> wrote in message
news:28ce01c2101d$75096080$6601a8c0 at boostconsulting.com...
> >
> > How large a depth of nested classes do we have to support? Its just too
> much
> > complexity for a little gain. I think for now it's not unreasonable that
> the
> > user creates the nested classes in order. If we come up with a better
> > solution later it won't break anything.
> I think the optional parent scope constructor argument is a better
> solution, and I don't like to have lots of ways to say the same thing
> un-pythonic), so I'd rather go with that.
I'll take a look at how it could work.

On another note in module.cpp there is:

void module_base::add_type(ref x)
    assert(PyObject_TypeCheck(x.get(), &PyType_Type));

why is the reference released at this point, is there a count consumed
implicitly somewhere else ?

Dave Hawkes

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