[C++-sig] V2: python file object as an ostream argument

Pearu Peterson pearu at cens.ioc.ee
Sun Jun 2 11:02:53 CEST 2002

On Sat, 1 Jun 2002, David Abrahams wrote:


> That's great! Are you planning to submit this, enchanced to handle input as
> well, to boost? Or would you please bug Dietmar about it until he submits
> something as promised in his post from more than 2 years ago?

No. I tried to include also the input but I could not find out what is
fpeekc in gcc-3.x as this compiler does not have it in std. 

Also note that I am far from being a C++ expert. From reading google,
the real C++ experts seem not solved this issue for many years, or they
just don't consider it to be an issue at all but rather an OT for C++, or
I am just confused...


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