[C++-sig] Re: Embedding example anyone?

David Abrahams david.abrahams at rcn.com
Thu Jul 11 13:31:31 CEST 2002

From: "Berthold Höllmann" <hoel at germanlloyd.org>

<<I'm looking for a somehow different approach. We have to provide some
functionality for a C++ Program. The functions are already almost
written, but in Python. So we are looking for a easy/convenient way to
access Python code/classes/methods from C++. Is there anything
available to help us there.>>

Boost.Python v2 contains a class called "object" which lets you access
Python objects (including classes and methods) in C++ in almost the same
way you'd do it from Python. The only major syntactic differences are:

    Python        C++

    x.foo         x.attr("foo")
    x[1:-2]       x.slice(1,-2)
    x[:-4]        x.slice(_,-4)

Some of python's special syntax quirks are also not supported, i.e.

    x < y < z


    (x < y) < z


    x < y and y < z

as it does in Python.


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