[C++-sig] template constructor problem

Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve rwgk at cci.lbl.gov
Sun Jan 20 01:31:35 CET 2002

> template <typename ValueType>
> struct stats
> {
>   //template <typename VectorType> stats(const VectorType& vec) {
>   stats(const std::vector<float>& vec) {

>   py_stats.def(boost::python::constructor<std::vector<float>&>());

> I've begun writing "Foo const&" instead of "const Foo&" because the const
> seems to get lost in the second case. Also, it's more consistent with
> pointer notation, e.g. Foo* const.

Ah, sorry for the little glitch. However, the extra const does
not make a difference, no matter where I put the const (const Foo&
or Foo const&). The cxx 6.2 error message is:

cxx: Error: template_constructor.cpp, line 20: #304 no instance of function
          template "vector_min" matches the argument list
            argument types are: (const
                      :detail::parameter_traits<const std::vector<float,
                      std::allocator<float>> &>::const_reference>)

The (almost identical) code is again attached. Isn't the problem
that the compiler does not deduce T const& but
and that reference_parameter does not have a ::value_type?


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