[C++-sig] more boost v1 problems

David Abrahams dave at boost-consulting.com
Thu Aug 22 02:25:30 CEST 2002

1. Are you using the current boost CVS state, or something earlier?
2. Have you rebuilt everything from scratch since changing your glibc?
3. Have you rebuilt/reinstalled your GCC since changing your glibc?

I have to admit, glibc compatibility issues are black magic to me, but #3
sounds like the sort of thing that could be an issue.


           David Abrahams * Boost Consulting
dave at boost-consulting.com * http://www.boost-consulting.com

From: <cseymour at interchange.ubc.ca>

> Hello again,
> sorry for posting about this again but i can't figure it out...
> I had boost working yesterday, but today (the computer it was working on
is fried) it refuses to work.
> I'm using the linux gcc makefile. I've tried g++ 2.96 (which it worked
with before) and python 2.2.1 compiled with g++ 2.96, and also g++ 3.0.4
and python 2.2.1 compiled with g++ 3.0.4 (which the boost python webpage
says should work). in both cases, when running comprehensive.py it fails
like so:
> 1
> 2
> 3
> Running comprehensive.__doc__
> Trying:
> try:
>     ext = Foo()
> except TypeError, err:
>     assert re.match(r'function .* exactly 1 argument;? \(?0 given\)?',
>                     str(err))
> else:
>     print 'no exception'
> Expecting: nothing
> Aborted
> and i assume this is because of the ABI / exception handling problems. my
extension modules seem to work, except when they try to throw exceptions.
> the only difference i can think of between computers is that the computer
I was working on before had glibc version 2.2.5 installed, while the rest
have 2.2.4 (it was in changing glibc back that the computer died)
> does anyone have any ideas on what i could do? again, sorry for sort of
re-posting but i've worked at this and can't figure it out

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